1 stories matched Respect and 'government project'

Your search did not match enough stories to do a complete analysis. Only basic information is showing.

How good is this collection? (49/100)
When making inferences, it is important to have many perspectives. Running our story quality test will measure this using the diversity of story collectors, named organizations, locations, and the balance in story point of view and tone to estimate the collection's suitability for meta-analysis.
Each component of the score is between 0 and 100, with 100 being the best and 0 being the worst.

  • Diverse sources: 1/100 (highest when collection contains hundreds of stories with miniminal overlap among the storytellers, named organizations, and locations)
  • Completeness: 100/100 (100% when every storytellers answer every question)
  • Diverse points of view: 0/100 (100% when there is a good balance of points of view. Personal experiences carry more weight over organization perspectrives.
  • Balance in story tone: 95/100 (100% if collection has a balance of positive and negative perspectives)
    Your collection has a neutral tone.

Q3:youth activities
Q8:Aliba village,midia sub-county
Q9:More than 6 months ago
Q12:Saw it happen
Q13:The right people
Q19:Food and shelter, Family and friends, Respect
Q30:Intervener, who helped others
Q143:The whole society
Q144:Household economy, Voice and representation, Respect for Diversity
Q151:Last year i heard about the youth livelihood program which they said is a government project.It has helped youths in moja village especially those.They provide training skills on computer.Support agriculture and there is youth group who bought chairs for rent and others opened up saloon.This has helped the youth to generate income and even keep busy because of the unemployment scandle in the country.My cousin also benefited and they are doing well in their business through still facing some problems since it's done in groups. This youth program is so helpful and it would be better if more is granted for the youth because it makes them to grow.