1 stories matched Female and (16-21 or 22-30) and Fun and problem and area and water

Your search did not match enough stories to do a complete analysis. Only basic information is showing.

How good is this collection? (47/100)
When making inferences, it is important to have many perspectives. Running our story quality test will measure this using the diversity of story collectors, named organizations, locations, and the balance in story point of view and tone to estimate the collection's suitability for meta-analysis.
Each component of the score is between 0 and 100, with 100 being the best and 0 being the worst.

  • Diverse sources: 1/100 (highest when collection contains hundreds of stories with miniminal overlap among the storytellers, named organizations, and locations)
  • Completeness: 96/100 (100% when every storytellers answer every question)
  • Diverse points of view: 60/100 (100% when there is a good balance of points of view. Personal experiences carry more weight over organization perspectrives.
  • Balance in story tone: 31/100 (100% if collection has a balance of positive and negative perspectives)
    Your collection has a very positive tone.

q2:youth fund is organisation that involves to discover what they can do in the future.It provides water for people in that area.The water comes from mois residence.Its where they get their money or the night meal.has cooperated with young super eagles.This is a football club that starts from the age of 8 to the age of 18.they internationaly famous in the country.it has taught many people on how to handle lifes problems.We are happy for sena for introducing them.
Q3:mizuka youth fund
Q5:famous, meal, problems, comes, get
Q12:Was affected by what happened
Q19:Food and shelter,Knowledge,Fun
Q37:Bad idea
Q38:Specific problem
Q39:Social relations
Q134:Unnamed Organization