1 stories matched Male and (31-45 or 46-60 or Over 60) and Respect and family and problem and time

Your search did not match enough stories to do a complete analysis. Only basic information is showing.

How good is this collection? (56/100)
When making inferences, it is important to have many perspectives. Running our story quality test will measure this using the diversity of story collectors, named organizations, locations, and the balance in story point of view and tone to estimate the collection's suitability for meta-analysis.
Each component of the score is between 0 and 100, with 100 being the best and 0 being the worst.

  • Diverse sources: 1/100 (highest when collection contains hundreds of stories with miniminal overlap among the storytellers, named organizations, and locations)
  • Completeness: 93/100 (100% when every storytellers answer every question)
  • Diverse points of view: 60/100 (100% when there is a good balance of points of view. Personal experiences carry more weight over organization perspectrives.
  • Balance in story tone: 69/100 (100% if collection has a balance of positive and negative perspectives)
    Your collection has a negative tone.

q2:This is a story about a HIV orphaned child BERNARD. Due to poverty of the remaining sickly mother after the death of the father, the boy being the eldest son opted to go for manual jobs in the village in order to support the family and that in a way start saving for the education of the young brothers and sisters, while the mother had a strong cultural belief that since Bernard is the first born whatever happens to him is what will happen to the rest 6 children. She then approached me and told me about the boy after std 8 exam results.. Just with lots of hope and faith I gave her the go ahead and look for local day school nearby so that he could join form 1 when time comes.She did that and with help of God Bernard is now in form 2 and doing quite well despite sometimes being off the school due to fee payment problems.
Q3:Crossroads with culture
Q9:1-2 years ago
Q12:Helped make it happen
Q13:The right people
Q19:Food and shelter,Knowledge,Respect
Q37:Good idea that succeeded
Q38:Specific problem
Q39:Social relations