Story Centered Learning
Read icons
Grouping words
Using 'and' in search
Filtering by answers
Compare stories
Reading Wordtrees
Color Wordtrees

You searched for all stories that contained the words listed under "selected filters" below. This retrieved 300 stories.

(Benchmarked against all stories we've ever collected)



(within this story collection, not benchmarked)

Total Processing time: 0.7 seconds
Processing messages:


(Narratives and answers to any associated survey questions)

Now you're getting it! Now we will look at how to search for stories that convey a certain emotion or perspective on a particular subject.

First, type in your subject, in this case:

(peace war soldier retribution reconciliation)

Second, type the word


Third, choose the emotion/perspective you wish to search for by selecting any list of words from the list below and copying it into you search bar after the "and".

The "and" between your two word lists is very important! Otherwise it will match either your topical words OR the emotional/perspective words.



Search words

gratitude words Is this story about thanking an organization for their effort? ("thank you" "to thank" )
cognitive words How thoughtful were you in the story you just told? (know knew realize understand understood think thought consider ponder wonder remember cogn conceive believe speculate why )
exclusives (but without except however )
aspirational words Did the storyteller hope for more than what actually happened? (hope aspir promise predict ambition )
negative words How bad did you feel about the story you told? (" no " " not " never noone nobody )
question words Did the storyteller ask a question in the story? why
discrepancy words Did the storyteller talk about what could have happened? (could would should )
tentative (maybe perhaps sometimes might almost "more or less" )
cause-effect Story shows cause-effect thinking (because reason effect " if " )
analytical (but without except) and (because reason effect) and [cognitive words above]
relationships (mother father sister brother son daughter grandfather grandmother parent friend lover husband wife relative uncle aunt )
time-space words Associated with truthfulness (day time started year morning evening night) and (after before while next around above often )
Show more word lists

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The search box: