Story Centered Learning
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Your search for all stories that contained the word "None" retrieved 300 stories.

The "trends" below are a visual summary of who talked about "None" and which of these larger topics are most relevant to "None": (icons from left to right are basic needs, food/shelter, security, family, respect, knowledge, creativity, self-esteem, freedom, and fun).

How to interpret the icons:
Boys under 16 are more likely to talk about peace in stories, but adult women are far less likely than we would expect, based on patterns across all our collected stories. People who talk about peace in stories are more negative than they are when talking about other topics.

(Benchmarked against all stories we've ever collected)



(within this story collection, not benchmarked)

Total Processing time: 0.8 seconds
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(Narratives and answers to any associated survey questions)

You ought to see icons representing boys, girls, men, and women on the right. If you don't see anything, you will need to use a newer browser. These icons do not appear on older phones.

The size and colour of each icon gives you an instant perspective on number and tone of the stories people shared about "None." Selected stories are always benchmarked against the rest of the stories in the database, so you get a feel for how stories measure up against the average.


Icons appear green if the stories tend to be more positive than our typical story. Red icons are more negative.

The "typical" story is based on the percentage of people who said that the "right people" benefited in the story they shared, compared to the percentage who said "nobody" or the "wrong people" benefited, whomever they may be.


The size of an icon increases when more of this demographic group have shared a story about "None" than the fraction of that group that shared stories overall. The icon's size decreases when fewer of this group are represented.


The larger icon for the woman means that women are more likely to talk about "school" in the town of Busia than other subjects. A smaller icons for boys and young men mean that men are more likely to talk about something else, and talk about "school" less often in Busia than expected.

Story topics work the same way. Icons vary in size and colour based on the number of times they are identified as relevant topics in your group of stories and whether a story is positively or negatively linked to a topic.


Stories that use the word “uniform” are frequently linked to topics of security and freedom in a positive way. However, they are negatively linked to issues of family.

Searching for None retrieves too many stories to really understand. Now, practice practice searching again by typing a more specific search phrase by putting quotations around your words:

"peace maker"