Story Centered Learning
Read icons
Grouping words
Using 'and' in search
Filtering by answers
Compare stories
Reading Wordtrees
Color Wordtrees

Reading Wordtrees

You searched for None and below is the wordtree build from matching stories. You can move the map, enlarge it, and isolate parts of the map using your mouse.
Error creating your wordtree
The algorithm starts by finding the most common words in all matching stories that are much more common in your results and in other general English texts. These words become the "seed words" in the center of the map. It then looks for the most common words in sentences that contain each of these words, and adds them to the map, connecting them to your seed words. And so on, repeating this process so long as there are words remaining in this collection that are used frequently enough to be important.

It also only allows each word to appear once, so if a word is already on the map, it merges any new links with old ones, creating a network.

The map also highlights common two-word phrases.

Total Processing time: 3.9 seconds
Processing messages:


(Narratives and answers to any associated survey questions)


Next step: Create a color wordtree contrasting success stories with failure stories

Next we're going to search for two sets of stories that match (food ugali rice beans maize corn flour wheat), but one set will be failure stories and the other success stories:

(food ugali rice beans maize corn flour wheat)

by typing (food ugali rice beans maize corn flour wheat) into the box below. The box should already be pre-filled with the search terms. Just press "Search":

Success stories:

Words in story to match:
The right people
The wrong people

Failure stories:

Words in story to match:
The right people
The wrong people